Incoming Holo-Net transmission to TIE Corps Fleet-wide Communications
Origin: ISDII Hammer - Classified location
Sender: Colonel Master, Gamma Squadron CO
Contents: Gamma Squadron Report #1
Please wait....
Trying to reconnect.....
Please wait...
Signal established.....
Signal -EH Vorn 235 9283 726
WARNING - Restricted host.
Signal Authenticity cannot be verified.
Please report to the EH Security Office immediately.

***~CMDR's Wild Rant~***
"I'm Back Baby"!
And so my children... I have returned to you all...
Celebrate... for the time of Awesomeness is upon you.
This is your only warning...
Join us, celebrate...
Or find yourself alone... all alone... in the night.

This report proudly brought to you by Chalquilla.
Drink semi-responsibly


***~Squadron News~***
*And so it begins...again*
In his infinite wisdom... AD Jedi Eclipse, our TCCOM, has agreed to bless us all with promoting me to the role of Gamma Squadron Commander....
I like to think it was my strongly worded application letter that got me the job >:P
Let the party commence!

*Operation: This will probably end badly...*
All Gamma pilots have exactly 48hrs to email me and proclaim they are in fact alive.
Though zombie pilots are welcome too.
I also require an update of your current status.
Basically if you can fly, fight or whatever.
Also any skills you may possess.
Any pilot files you may have floating around never BSF'd are always welcome.
If you have had any activity (including flying, fiction, graphics, medals awarded, etc), since lets say... the last posted report...May 16 2010 that would be welcome also...
Any pilot who doesn’t reply within the 48hrs, well you won’t like what i do to you....

*Competition: Awesomeness*
Ok I’m looking at the Gamma Roster TC Page and well it sucks...
We don’t even have a banner!
So I immediately start the following competitions...
Start: Now!
End: Tue 22 March 2011 - 00:00 GMT.
Awards: IS-BR for winning submission - Pat on the back for anyone else.
Gamma Squadron doesn’t have a banner...
It’s like a man without a.... nevermind...
We must have one... we need one...
Stick figure banners welcome.
And I shall call you...
Start: Now!
End: Tue 22 March 2011 - 00:00 GMT.
Awards: IS-BR for winning submission - Hug for anyone else.
We have no soul!!!!!!
You must create an identity for Gamma Squadron.
We need a Motto, Nickname.
The flights need the same.
Try to have one general overall theme but I'm not choosy.

*Flight Leader Required!*
Think you have what it takes to command a flight in Gamma Squadron.
I'm currently taking applications for the vacant FL3 position.
Minimum requirement is the rank of LT.
Applicants must be willing to be active to sever as an inspiration.
You will also have to do a weekly flight report.
Perks of the role include free accommodation, cantina discounts, an inflated ego, for the honor of Greyskull!
Any and all applications welcome.
All applications must be emailed to be considered.

*Facey B for sh*ts and giggles...*
To get with the times (hate getting old) I have gone to this facebook page everyone talks about.
Add me as a friend today.
Marcus Black -
Keep updated with EH Awesomeness of Facebook!

*Tattoo my pretty*
Nurse Darklord is ready to give you all your mandatory 'Property of Gamma Squadron' tattoos on your left butt cheek.
Tattoo's are mandatory and will resist all efforts to remove/cover them.
They also have a tendency to burn when away from the squadron for long periods/in time of need.
Gamma Squadron for life!

*Master's Mighty Mission of the Week! - Redux*
Start: Now!
End:  00:00 GMT Monday Each Week.
Awards: IS-BW's
In an effort to promote good missions, lots of medals and good old competitive spirit each week I’m going to nominate a free/battle/map.
Highest scorer after 4 rounds will win a IS-BW
Any pilot who scores higher than me after 4 rounds will also receive a IS-BW
Pilot files will be due no later than Monday 00:00 GMT each week.
This week’s mission is:
XWA-FREE #136 – Master’s Birthday Bonanza
Best of luck to all. Oh and may I just say, may the maker protect you if I score the highest >:)

*The Black of Black*
Honour must be paid.
With blood..
With sweat...
With tears....
Become the greatest.. or fall forever...
Best pilot at the end of each month will be given the Honor of being proclaimed Black 1 in homage of arguably the most awesomely dangerous squadron in Imperial History.
Black Squadron.
Winner will be announced the first of each month.
Winner will win a IS-BR as well as supreme bragging rights for the month.
Choice is at Squadron Commanders discretion.
Choice will be based on the usual things like activity, awesomeness and bribes.

*Operation: 4H*
No further information at this time.

*Gamma Squadron Supremacy Tour*
Coming Soon to a squadron near you....

*Fresh Meat!*
We must have fresh meat!
We must have more recruits!
Recruit someone to Gamma Today!

*Gamma Squadron Board of Awesomeness...*
Go post today!

*Gamma Squadron Website*
Coming soon to a browser near you....

*Mailing list of Doom...*

***~Wing News~***
We need a Wing Commander Big Badd Booty Daddy!
If you think you have what it takes, then email the TCCOM as to why you think you’re the man.
***~Fleet News~***
*TACCy Goodness*
Keep up to date with TAC Awesomeness, comps released stuff and more!
Check the latest TAC Report for more details!
***~Squadron Orders~***
~Report in to Master
~Competition: Awesomeness
~Master's Mighty Mission of the Week!
~Fly a FREE mission
~Take an IWATS test
*Squadron Standing Orders.*
I don’t ask much from me pilots BUT I EXPECT that EVERY WEEK you have to do one of the following (or something similar):
·         Fly something from the Mission Compendium
·         Take and IWATS Course/or whatever
·         Add a piece of fiction to a run-on
·         Submit a fiction
·         Create a graphic
·         Submit something for the Squadron Report (Fiction etc)
Flight Leaders you will soon be expected to write weekly flight reports.
Worst case scenario, drop me an email at the very least!
We can talk about the weather for all i care! :P
You’re just expected to do something, unless your name is Septhiroth or Steele, your not allowed to idle!
***~The Usual Suspects~***
“Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici”
High Chieftain Master
03/08 - Completed Squadron Management 4 (Awaiting Grading)
03/08 - Promoted to Gamma Squadron Commander
03/07 - Submitted three Bug Reports in honor of impending return
03/? Mission Creation
03/? Fiction
03/? Classified
Warrior Viper
03/08 No contact as yet
High Warrior Aija Alura Judarrl
03/08 No contact as yet
Warrior Crsepe
03/08 Spotted on IRC
Warrior Matt Dante
03/08 No contact as yet
Warrior Curtis
03/08 No contact as yet
***~Hammer's Most Wanted~***
Gamma Squadron - Long-range support
NICKNAME: Enter your Submission Now!
MOTTO: Enter your Submission Now!
Nickname: Enter your Submission Now!
Motto: Enter your Submission Now!
[1] COL Master (
[2] TBA
[3] TBA
[4] CPT Viper ( #2662
Nickname: Enter your Submission Now!
Motto: Enter your Submission Now!
[5] CPT Aija Alura Judarrl ( #3446
[6] CPT Crsepe ( #313
[7] CPT Matt Dante ( #2518
[8] LC Cutris ( #2694
Nickname: Enter your Submission Now!
Motto: Enter your Submission Now!
[9] Apply Now!
[10] TBA
[11] TBA
[12] TBA
***~Dark Lord of the Week~***
The highly prestigious title of Pimp Lord of the Week is only given to the person who has most advanced the success of the Squadron, amused the CMDR, or slipped me the most $5 notes in a brown paper bag. This week's winner is:
I'm back baby!
***~Ewok of the Week~***
Yub Yub!
Every story has a hero, every journey has a first step, every Fleet has a pilot who's about as much use as an ashtray on a speeder bike.
This week’s Prize Ho is none other than:
AD Jedi Eclipse
And now the fun begins!
***~Quote of the Week~***
<_T_> so who did the header image on
<`Wedge> some guy named Tempest
<_T_> ...
<_T_> funney.

<`Master> Squadrons are always the best anyway
<`Master> CS is all good if your actually active, but squadrons are home
<_T_> spoken like a true ex-TAC
<`Master> spoken like a true pilot

* AD_Eclipse has joined #emperor's_hammer
* X sets mode: +o AD_Eclipse
<`Master> oooh the boss
<`Master> awesome
<_T_> who's the boss? :P
<`Master> that eclipse fella
<`Master> see the clean uniform
<`Master> and the really polished medals
<`Master> isn’t he pretty :P
<_T_> awwwwwww.
* _T_ gets a big black pen and scribbles his autograph onto AD_Eclipse's uniform
<_T_> there you go.
<`Master> well it was your design anyway
<`Master> only fitting
<_T_> uhm, it's property of the EH now, I just thought it looked cooler this way :P
<`Master> but still ironic :P

*Classic Quote of the Week*
(`Tempest): well, even I can't make good jokes 24/7
(`Tempest): especially not on you, that would be waste :P
(`Master): your only human afterall :P
(`Tempest): lies. :P

***~Site of the Week~***
Because Humor is Funny :P
***~Final Comments~***
And that Ladies and Gentlemen (oh and Ender :P) is the news that's fit to print (and what isn't too).
Until next week, get out their and serve the TC proud!
Any questions, rants, ideas, or whatever feel free to email me.
I'm actually a nice guy despite my huge....ego :P
Until then...
"Sure, I could have stayed in the past. I could have even been king".
"But in my own way, I *am* king".

"Hail to the king, baby".

Respectfully Submitted,
CMDR/COL Master/Gamma/Wing I/ISDII Hammer [OPTI] [Marksman 2nd]
{IU:C/TC, WM, ICQ, TLN, CBX, BOT, FLA, GFX, HIST, M/1/2, SM/2/3}
Fleet Admiral (ret.), General (ret.)
Wing Commander - Wing X (ret.) Squadron Commander - Tornado (ret.), Squadron Commander - Tempest (ret.)
TAC Office - Tactical Officer (ret.), CA:TAC (ret.), TACA (ret.)
IWATS - Professor (ret.)
"Days never finished... Master's got me working.... Someday Master set me free...."


© Copyright - COL Master & the Emperor's Hammer 2011.

By reading this fine print, your soul now belongs to Gamma Squadron.
It will be tattooed, beaten, drunk and raped before being returned.
Thank you and have a nice day!